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Stay Tuned for Summer Classes and Workshops!


Finding a class or workshop that is right for you has never been easier. Review the descriptions, dates, and times before clicking the register here button below. Questions? Contact us at

Learn about our classes below.
Young Ballet Dancer

Youth Ballet

Participants are introduced to

the terminology and foundation of

classical ballet. Learn the basics of

proper alignment, musicality, and

spatial awareness. All experience

levels are welcome.

For dancers ages 8 -14. 



Youth Jazz

Musicality and expression are foundations in this introductory jazz dance course. Participants improve in strength and increase their flexibility while learning rhythmic patterns, all levels are welcome.  For ages 8-14.



West African Inspired Dance

 This course will focus on creativity

and fun! We will engage with African Dance steps as a reference point for expressing exuberance and vitality.  Influenced by Doundounba of Ghana, Sinte, and Macarra, this weekly class is sure to get your heart pumping. Intended for adults ages 18+.



Hip Hop & Ampiano

This class is geared towards dancers who would love to gain new dance vocabulary in current styles within hip hop and afro genres. Students will be challenged to learn new and fun grooves as well as choreography.

Intergenerational Class.


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Modern Fusion

Modern Fusion combines elements of Horton, Graham, Dunham, and other modern dance styles.  Participants will explore concepts of fall and release, sharing weight, and virtuosity. All levels are welcome. This class is intended for ages 14+.



Contemporary Technique

This class will center the depths of creativity within the body. The movement, influenced by a mix of ballet, black dance, and improvisation will inform choreographic patterns. Intended for experienced dancers although all curious bodies are welcome.

Ages 18+



Hip Hop

Participants will explore hip hop in relation to choreo retention, confidence, and connection with the body; finding diverse ways to express emotion. For ages 8-14.

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Strictly Horton

Find your inner Ailey dancer in this dynamic class. Horton technique is a foundational modern style designed to

stretch and strengthen the body. Learn fortifications, across-the-floor studies, and combinations that encourage artistic expression. Ages 12+.    



Dynamic Flight through Faith
(Dynamic Faith)

Dynamic Faith asserts that dance is the ultimate form of expression. Participants are guided through movement with

specific intention to explore their inner spirit. Themes of self-expression, connection to God and healing. All levels welcome.

Intended for adults ages 18+. 

Coming Soon

Still not sure which class is right for you? We can help!
Contact us at

See you in class...
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